Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How can water make you lose weight

3:49 AM by dody ·

People who eat a serving of soup daily lose more weight than those who eat the same amount of calories but don't eat soup.By drinking more water your kidneys will be stimulated,helping to reduce water retention; and, in the process, your body will burn some more calories.
The question remains (|) querry follows: (how helpful is the water to lose weight | what does the water to help in weight loss)?

In a manner of speaking, water (one is an appetite suppressant, as well as | more blocking hunger similar to ephedrine), (the ingredient in weight loss pills that allows individuals to control their diet | substance fat reduction pills that makes the person stop your appetite) (to be able to suppress the urge to eat | suppresing the craving to eat). However (| On the other side), (water works differently | effects in a distinctive manner). The water does not (by itself suppress appetite | appetite curb only) (not | applicable), (who fills his stomach with contents | satisfies your hunger), (tricked into believing that it is useful | to feel that cheating is now filled ) l. This is (known to bury a person need to eat | to forget someone recognized the urgent need to swallow something).

Water, in fact (| reality | truth) (it is a critical component of a popular 3-day diet plan circulating on the Internet | famous one important factor in diet regimen of 3 days can be found on the web) where (subject was asked to observe fasting for 3 days | one shall be compelled to refrain from eating in a matter of 3 days), (taking nothing but water during that period | gulping down, but no water at all this period). Water is (supposed to provide the nutrients needed by topic | expects the supply of nutrients that a person must be), (at least for the 3 days participating in the program | for at least 3 days in the plan).

Furthermore (| addition | addition), (water also complements the pursuit of a healthy rate | balance also the struggle for a normal rate of metabolism). (Metabolism is the key to effective and sustainable weight loss | how useful and of a manageable weight reduction). (In brief | in brief | To sum), (a person who has a low metabolism can burn fewer calories | a person with an irregular rhythm of metabolism will yield fewer calories) and (in effect | result) (collect more fat in the body | flabs acquire more in your body). (The person who has a pace | Someone who has a fast metabolism method) (in addition | However), (be able to burn more calories | is able to lose weight), (and as a result retain less fat | how to effect, will take a small amount of flabs).

(How does it affect the image of the water | How do I change all the water)?

Metabolism is a function (|) the effects on the liver. The liver, however (| on the other side), (also responsible for cleanup |) assigned to cleanse the kidneys. Clean water (|) purifies the kidneys. So (with sufficient water intake | with the amount of water intake), (there is less pressure to the liver to perform its task | less stress for the liver to do its work) (and can concentrate more on improving and maintain the rate of | focus mainly on the development and maintenance of the speed) of the body's metabolism.

Water is also an excellent (|) a detoxifying substance (|) component. (Helps cleanse the body of toxins that may have accumulated over the years | help purify the body of contaminants that may have developed over time). (Detoxification is a healthy body leads to | be a Headstart on the achievement of hake and a rich body) (make it more in the performance of physical activities | more willing to participate in important activities () that can help the person to lose much weight | help someone in the loss of a significant amount of weight).
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