Finally, we come to put all our hard work with a diet nal structure. The best way to maintain constant blood sugar and a constant availability of nutrients to the body is to divide the calories in 5-7 meals per day.
In the previous sections, it was determined that a 200 lb person
need to eat 200 g protein, 437 g carbohydrate, and 121 g of fat per day. To
how much to eat at each meal, you must divide these figures by
the number of meals: 5, 6 or 7.
Assuming our example is to eat 6 meals a day, this:
Protein: 200 g / 6 = 33.3 g / meal
Carbohydrates: 437 g / 6 = 72.8 g / meal
Fat: 121 g / 6 = 20.2 g / meal
Now, the above is a classic and very easy to approach
aimed at weight gain diet plan, but what time of the nutrients? Although the
magazines and many self proclaimed "guru" types act as if there is any
magic moment of nutrients to be the next Dorian Yates, it is more pseudo -
c science scientific fact.
Of course, it makes sense to eat immediately after waking, since one has
been fasting for 7 - 9 hours of sleep. It is also the reason, based on
the data we have, before and after the session of nutrition can also help
on optimizing the gains in LBM. There are no magical timing of nutrient
however. Or, perhaps I should say there is no magic formulas out there
timing of nutrients that are more than the writer of fantasy.
The fundamental objective is to maintain a constant ow of nutrients throughout
day by dividing your meals properly as mentioned above, and paste
with him. There is also some logic to eat a small protein meal before bed
using a slow digesting protein from the recommended food lists, such as
casein or cottage cheese.
Although all of these strategies, e.g., pre- and post-workout nutrition, eat-
ing before sleep, etc., make intuitive sense, and there is some data to sug-
gest they will help, there really is no solid proof as of yet, that they will
make a di erence beyond simply getting adequate calories of the right
types, and in the right ratios, at regular intervals during the day, as this e-
book has outlined.
Again, don’t be fooled by magic “ nutrient timing” formulas that the author
discovered during his trip to a secret lab in the East, or while working for
the CIA. The time tested rule for people who have made steady gains is to
use a well-designed diet that is consistently applied month in and month
Of the dozen or so professional bodybuilders I have worked with or known,
and the many high level amateur bodybuilders I have worked with, THAT
was what accounted for their diet success, not running o to follow the lat-
est greatest “secret” diet strategy advertised in the mags. In fact, they laugh
at such people.
As in war, anabolic nutrition also follows the K.I.S.S rule for success: Keep
It Simple Stupid…Yes, there are some general rules for timing your meals,
such as eating rst thing in the morning and approximately every 3 hours
after that, using pre- and post-workout drinks, and a having few bites of
cottage cheese before bed; but it’s a pretty straightforward process, I as-
sure you.
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Fat. The very word sends a shiver up the spine of the leanest athlete. With- out a doubt, fat is the most misunderstood and maligned of nutrients. Most people - including people who should know better-educated - take a "fat is fat and should be avoided" to eat. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially when it comes to putting on quality mass. All fats are created equal and we should avoid fat, if it is lean gain mass? The answer to both questions is a resounding no!
It is interesting to note that people have no problem accepting the fact
there are di erent types of carbohydrates and projects on the di erent
body, as described above. The terms "simple" and "complex" or "high glyce --
microphone "and" low glycemic "get thrown around all the time referring to
The same is true of proteins. Terms like "full" and "in --
complete "protein or" high biological value, "and other terms apply
to proteins, when you read an article on the subject.
People seem to have no problem understanding and accepting that there
di are large differences in the types and quality of carbohydrates and proteins
to eat, but often think all fats are equal, no single effort
effects of its own.
"Fat is fat, they say. They are told to avoid all fats and fat to look
as the enemy of the athlete or person who tries to shed some weight. As
brie and described above, as have many fat referrals biochemical di
and projects and in the body as carbohydrates and proteins do.
There are many di erent types of fat such as monounsaturated, saturated --
rated, polyunsaturated, omega-3, omega-6 as well as many others. Into
this group are even more lipids (fats) such as alpha-linolenic (ALA), linoleic
(LA), EPA, DHA, GLA, CLA, and so on. The idea that "fat is a fat, all fats and
are bad for you and should be avoided, of course, is ridiculous and advice
is based on outdated research and sheer ignorance of the subject.
There is no doubt that some saturated fats, and trans fatty acids
shall be limited or avoided if maximum performance, long-term health and / or
Weight loss is the goal.
Moreover, a large amount of recent research showing that the modernization is --
ate intake of fat, the right kinds of fat do - in fact - have a place in the Ath --
letar diet, as well as the average person interested in the long term health,
Weight loss and performance.
Therefore, the trick is learning to see fat as a group of lipids that have their own
unique project in the body. We can then shed the old notion that fat is the
enemy of the athletes, because it is simply not true.
With this in mind, we will follow the pattern of fat requirements for this
chapter when an optimized environment for anabolic growth is the goal.
As most people are aware, hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone --
monetary, insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and insulin are the major anabolic
(muscle building) hormones.
It is well known that a hormone is necessary to increase
muscle mass and decrease body fat in response to exercise. For example, a
weight lifting with insufficient testosterone levels almost impossible ª
possible to add muscle mass even though it is weight training and eat well.
A good diet and training regime is essential for increasing muscle strength
mass, and performance. However, without the levels of anabolic hormones,
which is essentially spinning its wheels. This fact has been responsible
some athletes use synthetic versions of anabolic hormones, such
as anabolic steroids and man-made growth hormone, and other com --
pounds. What is overlooked by many people, however, are the projects and
that macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) have on the pro --
the production of anabolic hormones.
Testosterone is generally considered the king of anabolic hormones, especially --
especially in men. All that can be positively and securely a testosterone
levels is considered an advantage for athletes interested in building muscle and
increasing force.
While it is essential to increase muscle mass, testosterone has many functions
tions in the human body from the libido, the immunity to depression.
Therefore, an increase in testosterone levels can have many applications.
This is particularly true for men and women (if women need testosterone
too!) their first of the low levels of this essential hormone.
Although high carbohydrate, low fat diets were all the rage for the
past decade, which can be especially hard on testosterone levels.
For example, one study examined 30 healthy male volunteers who were
switched their diet to supply 40 percent of energy as
fat, a diet containing less fat mind significant (25 percent of energy) for 6
The study found a statistically significant decrease significantly in the levels of serum testosterone
(22.7 nmol / L to 19.3 nmol / l), free testosterone and other androgens.
This study also found that a higher proportion of saturated fat to polyunsaturated
fat was positively correlated with higher levels of testosterone.
Another study had two groups eat about the same ratio
and amounts of carbohydrates and fats, found a "mixed" diet that includes
animal products as a result higher levels of testosterone that a lacto-ovo --
Vegetarian diet. Several other studies seem to projects rm e di --
monetary fat testosterone levels and other variables in the diet.
However, there is a ceiling on the amount of fat should be eaten to achieve op --
grayling testosterone levels. Studies suggest that 30 percent of calories from
fat seems to be the right amount of fat is necessary, as superior to the diets
30 - 40 percent showed no additional benefit. The lesson here is, for optimal
hormone production of anabolic hormones in athletes, it is a suitable grease --
Knowing that information, we will set the requirement of the fat out of the ana --
bolic diet with fat comprising 30 percent of total calories.
To determine the total fat of 200 pounds for one person, we must begin with
total calories. 30% of total calories be from fat. As for fat --
Vides 9 calories per gram, divided by 9 gives you the total grams of
Fat for the day:
Total calories from fat: 0.30 x 3640 kcal = 1092 calories
Total grams of fat = 1092 kcal / 9 kcal / g = 121.3 g
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