Sleeping pills can not provide quality restorative sleep, which many people were wrong to believe. Taking sleeping pills is not a long term solution for insomnia, but with an appearance of lack of alternatives, it may be easy to fall into the trap All the progress made by mankind in terms of technology and development is welcomed as a step to make life comfortable in the land. However, the irony is all these developments have only served to take away the dream of a large proportion of the population of the earth.
A growing number of men and women are spending the time between getting out of bed and then crash into a beat. And the intervals between going to bed and getting up are becoming more and more. Everywhere there is a mad rush to avoid being excluded. Arriving at his office, passing the children in school, go shopping at the grocery store, leaves us all a simple task stressed and tired.
A recent study shows that most adults in their time of sleep. This may be due to hectic work schedules or simply because they sleep outside. A recently held survey showed that only 50 percent of Americans were getting the sleep they need.
Many people take the easy way - pop a sleeping pill. Sleeping pills are good if you are ill and his doctor has informed them. Taking them is that while also help you through a traumatic period in his life, the loss of a loved one. But if your dream is totally dependent on sleeping pills and sleep disorders are constantly worrying that the alarm should start ringing.
It is indisputable that the shape of modern life leads to loss of sleep. Never-ending deadlines, the tensions of a competitive life, long-distance travel and jet lag, almost everything that we are compelled to do so by the circumstances in modern life lead to loss of sleep and sleep disorders.
Add to that environmental factors - increased noise levels, increased toxicity, the increase in background radiation ... We're not giving our bodies any reason not to stress!
The fact is a healthy body without stress will have no trouble sleeping and relaxing. Since we can not avoid the factors of sleep-deprived around us, all we can do is learn how to combat them.
This is where a group of sugars is surprising that only recently have scientists come to the attention can help. They wonder sugars called glyconutrients, are a group of plant sugars. Glyconutrients are essential for cell to cell communication. And play an important role in modulating the stress response.
Glyconutrients bind to proteins and lipids in the cell walls in a process called glycosylation. This process is to be drastically altered in different types of stress such as illness, accidents, trauma and other mental. In times of stress level glycoforms increased significantly to help in the restoration of normal cell function and help manage stress. The correlation between glyconutrients and stress is very clear here.
The problem is that stress also makes the complex process of synthesis in the human body glyconutrients to go wrong. In short, stressed body can not get the necessary amount of glyconutrients. Which is why glyconutritionals or glyconutrient regularly taking supplements is necessary to combat stress and sleep loss
. Another reason for not taking sleeping pills is that prolonged use can cause rebound insomnia. Studies have shown that frequent use of sleeping pills is associated with increased health risks
Frequent use of sleeping pills is associated with increased mortality: people who often rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep also have increased risk of death from heart disease, cancer, stroke, and even suicide.
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Whether you’re building or cutting, you should have a reliable method for estimating your body fat percentage. As you gain - or lose - weight your body fat percentage will tell you what the change means. There are a variety of techniques that can be used that vary in time, ex- pense, and accuracy/precision. The pros and cons of each are outlined be- low.
DEXA: “DEXA” stands for Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. As the name
implies, low level X-rays at two di erent energy levels are used to deter-
mine body composition. DEXA scans can di erentiate between soft body
tissues and bone - which makes it especially valuable for providing esti-
mates of bone mineral density.
Pros: DEXA scans are:
highly accurate. DEXA is considered to be the “gold standard” for body
fat measurement.
non-invasive. All you need to do is lie on the table and hold still.
requires no special preparations. There is no need to fast prior to the
test, or restrict activity, medications, etc.
radiation exposure is low. The amount of radiation used for body comp
testing is equivalent to a single day’s worth of normal background ra-
Cons: DEXA scans are:
expensive. The prices vary by facility, but I’ve seen some programs that
charge around $70 - $150.
inconvenient. DEXA units are typically housed in hospital, university,
and other clinical/research settings. They aren’t freely accessible to the
public - you need to be referred by a healthcare provider, enrolled in a
research study, or participating in an outpatient hospital or clinic pro-
gram to access the service
A DEXA scan - if you can get one - is best used as an occasional check to
verify your own body comp estimates.
Hydrostatic (Underwater) Weighing: Hydrostatic weighing is another
highly accurate method for assessing body fat percentage. The test actu-
ally measures total body density. Since the density of fat is less than lean
mass (fat oats!), the contribution of fat and lean tissues to your total body
density can be determined mathematically.
Pros: hydrostatic weighing is:
accurate. Hydrostatic weighing was considered the method of choice
for body composition testing prior to the development of more high-
tech methods.
less expensive than DEXA. The typical cost of a test runs around $25
- $50 (US).
Cons: hydrostatic weighing is:
inconvenient. Since immersion is required, the test is limited to facili-
ties that provide a “dunk tank.” Although some larger, more expensive
private health clubs and facilities now o er this service, your best bet is
to go to a local university athletic department.
complicated. Prior preparation is required: you cannot eat or exercise
within 3 hours of the test. A swim suit and towel are also needed. Re-
sidual lung volume also needs to be measured to correct for the error
that inhaled air can introduce into the assessment.
Air Displacement Plethysmography: This is popularly known as “Bod Pod”
testing. The Bod Pod measures total body density, similarly to hydrostatic
weighing. The di erence is that the air displacement, rather than water, is
used. Bod Pod units are sold commercially, and can be found in a variety
of settings.
Pros: The Bod Pod is:
fairly accurate. Clinical studies have shown that Bod Pod results are
comparable to hydrostatic weighing, although in practice, discrepan-
cies have been noted.
convenient: Bod Pod measurement is similar in accessibility and price
to hydrostatic weighing, but considerably less time consuming and
Cons: The Bod Pod is:
less accurate than hydrostatic weighing for certain populations and
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): BIA assessments of body compo-
sition actually measure the resistance to a low, safe electical current passed
through the body. Electricity is conducted more readily through body wa-
ter contained in muscle and other lean tissues than it does through fat.
More sophisticated, research grade BIA devices rely on hand and foot elec-
trodes, whereas home-use devices (scales and hand held instruments) rely
on foot-to-foot or hand-to-hand circuits.
Pros: BIA measurements are:
simple and fast. BIA devices are often used in commercial gyms and
clinic settings for this reason.
relatively inexpensive. Home devices cost about $50 - $200. The more
expensive home units generally o er multiple test modes, such as “ath-
Cons: BIA measurements are:
imprecise. Total body water uctuates throughout the day. The most
accurate readings are made using clinical instruments and subjects who
adhere to the pre-test protocol (no eating/drinking for several hours be-
fore the test; no exercise, ca eine, or alcohol 24 hours before the test).
Needless to state, it is very di cult to standardize testing conditions
with a device designed for frequent home use. Home measurements
often vary 3 - 4% over the course of a single day.
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Preparing 5 - 7 balanced meals a day, seven days a week, sounds like a full time job. And if you had to make only one meal at a time, it would be. Fortunately, a little advance planning will save you both time and energy when it comes to making meals. The meals you eat on the BBR program can be quickly and easily assembled simply by following a few basic guidelines.
Cook in bulk: Cooking foods in larger amounts is invaluable for meal
planning. In the time it takes to cook one chicken breast, you can cook
6 - 8, and have the leftover meat available for eating as is, or ready to
use in recipes. Many lean protein sources can be pre-cooked and
stored for later use: chicken and turkey breasts, pork tenderloin, lean
roast beef, seafood, etc. Even if you're a single person, you can make
recipes in larger amounts, and refrigerate or freeze the leftovers in sin-
gle-serving containers. Soups, chili, stews, casseroles, meatloaf, etc.
are ideal for bulk cooking and storage. It shouldn't be necessary to
purchase commercial canned soups or frozen entrees to accommo-
date a single appetite.
Starchy carbohydrate foods like brown rice, other whole grains, and le-
gumes can also be pre-cooked, and used for several di erent meals.
You can also make ahead and freeze homemade protein bars, pan-
cakes, and quick breads for snacks/meals. The recipe section in the
Members' Area forum has a number of recipes you can make ahead
and store for snacks and meals.
use of precut, ready-to-eat, and frozen vegetables/fruits: Larg-
er vegetables such as broccoli or cauli ower can be precut and stored
in resealable plastic bags for eating raw, or adding to recipes and sal-
ads. Ready-to-eat vegetables such as peeled baby carrots and grape/
cherry tomatoes are also handy. Frozen vegetables are an alternative
to fresh, and are often more nutritious and less expensive than out-of-
season, “fresh” vegetables shipped in from miles away and stored for
periods of time. It takes only moments to put a cup or two of fro-
zen or precut veggies into a microwavable dish. Use bagged, pre-
washed baby spinach leaves and other salad greens, or make/bag your
own bulk, ready-to-eat salad.
Use Your Blender: Keep bags of frozen, unsweetened berries (particu-
larly blueberries) and other fruit in the freezer for adding to home-
made MRPs/smoothies. Add protein powder, ground axseeds/ ax
oil, and other ingredients for a fast meal-in-a-glass.
Make use of acceptable ready-to-eat products: Keep single serving
containers of cottage cheese, low-carb or light yogurt, reduced-fat
string cheese, pre-seasoned tuna, and MRP packets around for fast,
portion-controlled snacks and/or o ce meals. Other pre-made foods
such as hummus, guacamole, pre-cooked rotisserie chicken, reduced
sodium, low fat deli turkey/chicken breasts and lean roast beef can
also be used. Foods that don’t require preparation, like whole grain
crispbreads, nuts/seeds, and fruit can be used to round out quick
With a little practice, you’ll nd that you can minimize shopping trips, and
plan your eating 3 - 4 days in advance, without having to eat the same
menu over-and-over again, 7 days a week
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